I figured they would be super cute for my daughter's first birthday coming up next month. So, despite the odds, I managed to make my first experimental batch. But there were several casualties. This shroom was top heavy and crashed with the weight of the choco dip.

I'll have to make sure i push the stick all the way up the shroom cap next time. It'll also be a good idea to not bring out all of the pops from the fridge. Just take out a few at a time, to keep them cold during the dipping. I also suggest using a little brush to paint on the choco dip.
Yet these were still delicious, moist and most important to me - not too sweet. I did alter the recipes that I found online for the "glue" frosting. I used only 3/4 cup powdered sugar instead of a whole dang box that most recipes called for. It's even less than the 2 cups called for in some "less sweet" recipes. But, I did add 3/4 cup coconut cream powder and 1/2 serving (about 2 oz) of unsweetened organic applesauce. (Yes, I borrowed it from my daughter's food drawer...tsk-tsk-tsk....shhh, don't tell her.)
These are the almost finished cake pops. The owls and hedge hogs don't have their faces painted on yet. The mushrooms need they're classic spots. But, I'm starting to think, realistically I don't have time to do all that anyways. Don't they look cute as is?

Dark Choco Cake recipe used: (i sub'd milk with soy milk because that's what i had in the turned out fine to me. next time i'll try it with milk to see the difference)
"glue" frosting:
blend all of this together on med speed: 1 pkg of cream cheese, 1 stick of butter, 1 tsp vanilla, 3/4 cup confectioner's sugar, 3/4 cup coconut cream powder, 1/2 serving of unsweetened applesauce (about 2 oz).